Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Last Post

After an interesting and tumultous last few months I've made the difficult, but needed, decision, to close this blog. I won't be abandoning blogging entirely, but after certain recent events, I've really had to reevaluate my life, my priorities, and my own thinking. I've enjoyed this blog at times, but the truth is, I've started to feel like I'm losing my voice and my focus here. I'll be restarting eventually with a new blog. I'll still be discussing green fashion once in awhile, but I'd rather have a place where I can write more about what's relevant to my industry, my career, and my life's current priorities.

I really appreciate the amazing friendships and connections I've been able to make via this blog the last few years.

Please be sure to keep in touch - if you're on twitter you can find me easily @HMXThrasher.

All the best,


Photo Credits

Photos are credited when used from secondary sources. Otherwise, all photos are taken by (and property of) Mes Lunettes Folles and may not be used without permission.